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We live in a world where we are constantly bombarded with information due to the invention of the Internet and the myriad of technical devices that give us constant access to it. From fake news to conspiracy theories, the world is increasingly inundated with false information and it has become difficult to discern fact fromfiction as a result. All is not lost; the remedy for this pandemic of diseased information is a critical thinkinginoculation.

Through the development of a more critical mind, you will also notice an increase in your ability to achieve better results. Better thinking leads to better decisions, which leads to better outcomes in all areas of your life. Critical thinking empowers you to make the best decisions in your life. Within this site, all the resourcesnecessary to foster a more critical mind are provided.

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Demarcation: the fine line between science and pseudoscience

Science is interesting but messy. It has flaws and limitations, but it remains our most effective tool to understand the natural world. Contrary to what many may think, science does not “prove” [1] anything and it does not lead to an “objective truth”. Science is the process by which scientists collect data through observational and experimental evidence to explain a particular phenomenon…

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10 common Logical fallacies everyone should know 

Fallacies are errors in reasoning that undermine the credibility of your argument. That is, it renders the argument bad as it distorts the underlying logic. These logical errors are quite common in society and something that many of us encounter regularly. Whether it’s from an influencer trying to capture your attention, a politician wanting your vote, or even a friend trying to convince you of their position, logical fallacies are everywhere. Presented here are ten of the more common logical fallacies that you will encounter.

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Anecdotal Fallacy

An informal fallacy where personal experience or a singular example is used instead of compelling evidence. People often gravitate towards using their own experiences or those of people around them as evidence in arguments. It's natural to do so as citing scientific evidence to craft a good argument takes effort and most of us are lazy thinkers and opt for the quicker and easier…

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Before moving on to the rest of the site, it is essential that you read the following five articles on your critical thinking journey. Once you have a firm understanding of this material, feel free to move on to other resources offered on the site. Again, welcome and congratulations on committing to learn the skills of a Critical Thinker.

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Logical Fallacies

Information is something that we all require as it directs our daily decisions, but many of us give little thought to its credibility. Consequently, many of us are poor consumers of information and regularly fall victim to false information, which has become ubiquitous as a result of the Internet. This presents a serious problem to society as the accuracy of information is paramount in order to maintain a healthy social fabric as well as democracy. The answer to this onslaught of false information is to arm society with a better critical thinking skill set of which logic is an essential component.

Within the pages of this book lies a quick introduction to logic, a brief overview of the more common logical fallacies, how to establish the credibility of information, and, last, an analysis of arguments observed in real life. Whether it is fake news, pseudoscience, or your latest viral conspiracy theory YouTube video, these skills will help you to better discern fact from fiction. The information landscape is treacherous these days and one must proceed with caution. This is why this book was written. The information provided here will help you to safely navigate your way through this landscape towards truth. One of the most important aspects of our lives is the accuracy of the information that we use to direct it. This is why the truth matters.

Thinking critically

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Your donation will go to support our work of improving the world through critical thinking education. A society properly educated in critical thinking will possess more rational individuals who make better decisions, which ensures a better future for us all.


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