What is Science?
The word “science” - according to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary - is derived from the Latin word scientia, which is knowledge based on demonstrable and reproducible data. In practice, science is a logical and systematic approach for discovering how our universe works as well as the subsequent accumulated body of knowledge. One thing is for certain, science is based on fact, not opinion. The goal of science is to discover truths about the natural world (i.e,. what we can observe around us excluding the supernatural), which is achieved by scientists through research. Before a new idea is accepted by the community and declared fact, it is rigorously tested through the scientific process. Unequivocally, science is mankind's greatest tool for discerning fact from fiction in the world around us.
One of the goals of this site, beyond teaching you to become a Critical Thinker, is to give you the intellectual tools necessary to better understand science. Brace yourself, science is often times hard to a degree that appears intellectually insurmountable and takes many years of dedicated study to fully master. However, this doesn't mean that you can't bring your understanding to a level where you know why it works, how a hypothesis is formulated, become fluent in the scientific method, know how to read a scientific paper, and many more of the fundamentals that scientists utilize on a daily basis.
By acquiring this knowledge, the universe will open up to you in ways that you never thought possible. The beauty, the horror, the complexity, and the “existential angst” that you may develop as a result. All of it will make you a better person as you will possess further insights into the inner-workings of the cosmos and how you fit in it.
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